Friday, May 4, 2007

Daily Update

This new schedule of showing up to work is throwing me completly off kilter. I'm
pushing myself to show up on time, before I torture myself to the point of staying
late. Work was fine. Busy work mostly not that exciting, but stuff that needed to
be precisely done. that is why I was chosen. I can multi-task, as well as perform
precise measurements under pressure, while appearing to show outward excitement
while doing so. :)

So someone did something bad at work. Its a peculure deed, but bad none the less.
So every so often people will bring food/treats to share. All this week there has
been a package of Double-Stuffed Mint Oreo's in the back, on the 'sharing counter'.
I was sick of chomping on pretzles, so I dove into this package of oreo's. Mmmm
mmmm good. I had almost forgotten how delightful Oreo's were. So I had one. Sweet
like a cookie, crispy like a cracker, and Minty like a breathmint. (Those
Nabisco-ins really know what they are doing.) My stratagy was this: I didn't want
to be a pig, so I didn't take to many at once. More than three would have been
pushing the limits. However, I didn't want to act like "Oh, I'm on a diet, I cant
have to many", so I had to have more than one at a time. My happy soloution was to
take two at a time, and to not be timid, I would make more frequent trips to the
kitchen area. This worked well for a day or two. But Oh the minty goodness was so
refreshing, and I'm fresh out of gum at my desk too. The creamy green filling made
my mouth feel refreshed, and that refreshment would mask the grimy cookie feeling
clinging to every part of enamel possible. The cookie particles mixed with saliva
made a cookie mud that clung my bicuspids and molars. It took a few minutes for the
minty fresh sensation to go away, but by that time I was ready for another dose of
Mint Oreo Cookie to cover up the stale taste of cookie mud. OH the vicious cycle
continued for a while. So you know how if you drink booze before 3pm you're an
alcoholic, so if a person, say a friend of mine, were to eat cookies before lunch,
would that make them a 'cookie-a-holic'? A friend of mine wanted me to ask, thats
all. I'm just trying to help them out.

I went running tonight. It took me 18 minutes to go the 2.12 miles around the
Brentood Country Club. It figures to be a similar time to yesterday's 43 minutes
for twice the distance. I know what you're thinking, 'that time sucks, what is he
thinking?' But I always have to look out for suprise attacks and boobie-traps, and
people out to get me, unlike the average runner. But I am thinking of setting a
goal to better that time by 30-60 seconds per week, for up to 8 weeks. that means
that my time will go from 18min to 10-14 min. and for two laps: 35-39 minutes. I
think that will be good to start with.

It was a good run. I was good like the wild Springbok. You know how they hide by
just standing still so their prey can't see them? well, that wasn't me cause I was
wild and on the run. leaping over large curbs and tree stumps with great ease. I
started out faster than before, covering greater distances in less time. And
although I didn't have any antlers, or wasn't wearing any animal skins, my hooves
were pounding the dirty pavement like there was no tomorrow. click-ity, click,
click, click. Most people got out of my way before I snorted at them, just like an
angry Springbok would. I was proud of myself.

Bethany loured me over to their place with the smells of cookies. (it must be a
theme today) But for some odd reason, she was being nice to me today. It was
curious cause I didn't really deserve it, but nice none-the-less. I hurried over to
Fairburn, just like in the cartoons, where the Coyote, or rabbit, is lifted up by
his nose and can do nothing but follow the trail of the smell. They were quite
splendid treats. after one, I needed another, and then another, and so on. Then
all of a sudden it was announced that they all needed furnature rearranged. Oh, I
see how it is. They could have just asked me to help without bribery, and I would
have been willing to help, most likely.

I met their new roomate... turns out I have already met her, and she knows my
brother and all his friends up in NorCal. But thats a whole other discussion.

Lunch was hosted by Jamba Juice.

I'm listening to Simon and Garfunkle right now.

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