On Friday night, I was kind of bored so I went over to the 7-11 across Santa Monica for any bit of excitement. I ran into Cheryl there too who was also looking for an exciting 7-11 visit, what a coincidence! I casually asked if she wanted to go see a movie. Half joking, and not expecting an answer, she responded in the affirmative. So we went to see the 10,000 BC movie. I though it was alright. a fellow show viewer put it best when he said upon exiting that it would have been a lot better if it wasn't so cheesy. But at the beginning of the show, 5 minutes after the previews had started, this couple came in and asked us to move down one seat. I then turned to Cheryl and asked if she wanted to move down one seat, and she said, "what the hell? no... why did we get here 30 minutes early? just to make room for those retards?" Then she saw that he was on crutches and reluctantly moved down, but was bitter about it, then therefore didn't really like the movie. For a second there, I thought that she was going to start throwing popcorn or soda at the people for asking us that. Oh, and we didn't have any food, so it would have belonged to our the people sitting on the other side of us too.
Saturday was a special day, ('and its the day that I got ready for Sun-day'). I got so much done its unbelievable. First I took care of my tummy with my normal Pancake breakfast. It was so good. At first I added a little to much syrup, but I sopped up that mess with round 2, if you know what I mean. they were smaller than I normally make, but for that, they were just that much better.
Next I had to deal with my car registration. I took all morning searching through my room for my car title that my dad sent me a few months back... I think. But to no avail. So at 11am I drove over to the DMV in Santa Monica which is open the third Saturday of every month luckily till noon, and jumped through all their hoops and paid there fines, etc.. I saw Brig there too, which was funny. But finally after having all the paperwork done, they handed me my new license plates, and I left at the stroke of noon just as they were locking the doors. I think they even locked all the people behind me inside until Monday. (on the way out some lady was commenting that 'they must close for lunch', little did she know that they were doing the world a favor by being open for only a few hours on Saturday per month.)
Late Saturday afternoon I had the chance to go to Phil and Jill's wedding reception in Rancho Palos Verdes, at the golf club there overlooking the water. It was simply amazing. I'm pretty sure I was invited cause Jill did send an email telling me about a returned invite, and allowing me to bring ( +1). (I ended up bringing Cheryl as my +1). The one tough thing about the day was that it was so cold because it was really windy. When they had the ring ceremony and walked down the aisle, the wind was blowing its strongest, and it was coming right off the ocean. Which means the wind was coming straight from the north pole in a convection cell like manner. Kind of rude of Santa Clause to do that to us. It was fun cause it was very Pink. and there were pink rose petals everywhere. Inside for the reception there was also a strong pink/dark purple theme, with accents of red and white. As a few of us kids found our table, I noticed that we were the furthest table from the bride and groom possible. I had to laugh cause I figured that a few of us just barley made the cut to make the List. (Either way, I was thrilled to have been there.) Or we we were the most trusted guests, cause The Happy Couple thought that we were the least likely to leave early, which also turned out to be true, besides family of course. I assure you that many more fun things took place that I either can't remember or don't have time to mention, so I'll just leave it at that. Everyone had a great time, thanks Jill & Phil.
Another glorious thing that I started Saturday and then continued Sunday morning was my MAN-BOX. I printed out my sketches for the top cover, and I started etching the image freeze into the top panel of wood. I'm so excited, its going to look so good when I'm done! My fingers are not excited though, cause Mahogany is a hardwood, and the small metal X-acto blades are very unforgiving.
I'm listening to Chris Isaak right now.
Lunch was sponsored by In N Out.