Friday, February 16, 2007

Daily Update

Well after the two free minutes I had to Click away on the keyboard yesterday, I was
put right back to work. I'm still a little bit bitter about working last night
till 10. I now know that if two or three people are working on one project it is
NOT worth it to cut down on time and ask them to help with one of the three coloring
files that you/or I may have. I would have been done by 7 or maybe even 8, but the
dear friendly help that I received had to be just a little off, so that kept me up
three more hours! I'm not as efficient at night. I thought that last time, more
people would have been a bigger help. I was wrong by that this time.

Last night I incurred an injury some how while sleeping. There is a two inch gash
in the inside of my right upper arm. Apparently it was bleeding pretty good for a
while. Due to the massive size of my biceps, and the minor contusion being on the
down slope of my mountainous muscles, I am unable to effectively wrap bandage tape
around it; it would fall off to easily with every movement I made. After reviewing
some securtiy tapes, I figure i was wounded when my alarm rang for the first time.
After it went off, I slowly woke and realized there was something pushing down on my
face. Was it a pillow or blanket or someone trying to smoother me? I wasnt' sure
so I just dug my left arm out from under me and grabbed and threw the object to the
side. As I did that I felt my right shoulder being pushed in the same direction. I
slowly figured that my shoulder was attached to the thrown object in question.
minutes later I cracked an eye open to see an arm laying next to me, don't worry, it
was still attached. Thinking nothing of it and still being tired I was back asleep
before I knew it. Maybe 30 min later I awoke again, more serious about getting up
this time, I cracked both my eyes to be presented with a gashed arm and dried
dripping blood. I thought to myself wow, what happened? then closed my eyes for
another 10-15 min. I was in no hurry to get up due to my late night at the office.
I finally felt guilty around 9:30 so then got up. I then analized my arm and
realized how much pain it was to cause me the rest of the day. I guess there was a
late night assaliant who I had to fend off with my bare hands. I wouldn't remember
the confrentation because of my cat like reflexes, innate spider scences, and fine
tuned fighting skills that will take over in the needed situation, even if my
cognitive mind still sleeps; much like the heart beating, or lungs breathing. In
either case the vice like grip of my hands is pretty damaging apparently. Either
situation seems pretty likely.

The night before I spent, of course, 'fighting the battle of my life' late into the
night. Its how I relax, you know, by killing {bad}people and monsters. I was in a
daze mostly; but what I remember is taking a contract from the Dark Brotherhood and
killing the retired captain of the gaurd. I also closed another Gate to Oblivion
(evil realm), then wandered the country side avoiding the imperial leigeions that
might catch me, and I paid Skreev'a to get rid of my bounty so I can go and wonder
around the Imperial City with out being arrested. Fun stuff.

Right Before that even, and right after I left work, jeff called asking if I was at
home. I wasn't but I was mometns away from leaving. I got dinner at Diddy Reese
(cookies). I picked jeff up and we went' over to my place, well, not exactly my
place, my bldg. he wanted to investigate the refridgerator for sale that Raquel just
posted on 'ward stuff'. We knocked pretty loudly, well, I did, and the doorbell and
we 'trick-or-treated' when she answered- Maggie answered. Its all good, cause I'm
the funny neighbor. Jeffs a talker thats for sure. I think he asked the same
questions 3 or 4 different times in 5 fifferent ways. then he wanted to know if
othe rstuff was being sold, so we wandered around the rest of their place too.
Turns out they have to be out this weekend! That sucks. I hope they get that place
up the street before , well, by tomorrow. I offered to help, but who knows if
they'll call. I have that effect on girls, you know, them not wanting to call me n'
all. :)

Renee Running Countdown: She Cancellded with only 4 days left! Just as i predicted!
She found something better to do. It's kindof funny casue I actually knew her
excuse only a day and a half before she did. Apparently Cheyney is having her
'Panty Pary' That night as well. Oh well, maybe 'Next Time'.

And that's about it. Hope I can find something to do this weekend thats
entertaining. If anything, I can always resort to going to seaworld and taking my
pants off, and then throwing kids into the shark tank, then I'll start a fire in
someone's kitchen. it's supposed to be 80 degrees soon, maybe I can go to the
beach, or just hang out around UCLA and just check out hot chicks, other than you my
readers of corse :)

Maybe I should call Someone to see if they're busy.

I had a Breakfast Burrito for lunch from Marvin's Diner. Mmmm I decided to change
it up so the lady there wouldn't always ask me if I want the usual.

I'm listening to Andrew Lloyd Webber right now. my Music is on shuffle, before was
Madonna and Bob Marley, next is The Jackson 5.


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