Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Daily Update

Yesterday as I was wrapping up my 'updates', my drafting program freaked out and
decided to erase stuff for me, that I didn't want erased. I had Chokchai come over
and help me fix some of it. one of the layers I was working on went 'bad', so we
had to delete it and redo all of it. I'm almost done doing that catch up work.

On the way home from work I stopped by the Westwood Music store to get replacement
guitar strings. They were a lot more expensive than I thought, but whatever, right.
I honestly think the guy who helped me was Keanu Reeves. I'm pretty sure of it.
Then I went home, strung my big guitar, then went to Family Home Evening.

So at FHE, Carrie talked about what stuff there is to do in LA. Most of it was for
the person who wants/cares about celebrities. Oh ya, I don't. I think Jessica's
list was a more complete thing for where to eat, and the stuff to do list was more
about what Carrie likes to do. :( [boring]. but anyway...

After that I went over to Jeff's. I walked in the door, then knocked, as usual, but
I was blown away by the smell of ...ASS! It was a mixture of Strong Soapy cleaning
product, old musky cigarette trays, vinegar, dirt, dirty clothes, campfire, bad
aftershave, Cat litter, Animal dander, Baking soda, and other light caustic soda
hints. I asked if jeff was going for another degree(#5), namely chemistry. turns
out jeff was just cleaning the smoke ridden refridgerator. (note to self, don't eat
anything out of their fridge for a while, unless in sealed container.) We then went
to Jack In The Box for dinner, ordered from some mongaloidish chick who i think
maybe could have been a crack baby(past, present, and probably future).

I went home and watched Man Vs. Wild. it was Tivo'd. He went to Hawaii to trek
over lava fields.

Jim (roomate, not 3rd person 'me') is sick again. He gets sick a lot. This time its
pretty bad though.

I'm listening to Pennywise right now.

I'm growing old of my current Yodeling cd, I'm going to have to restalk/increase my
collection this weekend, cause right now, I just cant get enough.

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