Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Daily Update

Peter has been driving me up the wall at work. He keeps un-fixing stuff that I fixed months ago, so now I have to go back and re-fix it all, AND hold his hand throughout the whole process so he doesn't do it again. I've really been trying not to be rude to him about it too.

Last night I went running. It was even a different venue. Kristen took me up to the Yangtze region of China it seemed like. I had chosen all the previous places to run, but this time she was in charge, and wow was it different. We immediately start off by going over what seemed like mountain ranges, and back down through valleys. I did my best to keep up with her but she was racing through all the different regions like a mythical pink and yellow colored Phoenix Bird. I was like the mere Bengal Tiger, as I would race through the forested regions briskly while dodging many of the locals and other annoying native animals. I did my best to keep up with her and luckily she would wait for me at certain points, otherwise I would have gotten lost in this treacherous Chinese region. KA warned me about being attacked when we started, so I was on the lookout as we ran through populated areas of the land. As we would go down hills, I would remain at the same pace, but Kristen would quickly disappear into the distance as she floated down using the wind to carry her. I didn't have wings, so I had to claw my way through people and forests.

We had one of our last flag football practices last night. It went well for the most part. My body was tattered and bruised from the adventurous trek I had just endured, so I wasn't that effective. I was already tired by the time we started, and my sweat ridden sweatshirt kept the air around me cooler than it should have been. I must say that our girls are definitely better than theirs.

Later I stopped by Greenfield to talk with Josh, He wasn't there yet, so I just interrupting Maggie's fashion show, and Emily's Musical reenactment of 'Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Coat'. Then when Josh AND Jeff show up, I realized it was going to be a late night.

I'm listening to my co-workers talk non-stop, either to each other, or to themselves depending who they are.

Lunch was sponsored by Marvin's Diner.

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