Friday, January 19, 2007

Daily Update

Chris N' Pitts day has come. I'm so excited. I have my apron all ready. its
terrific! I think this time I'm gonna try to keep it off my face for a little
longer. I don't think I want to un-impress some(maybe one in particular) of the
attendees. (guest list withheld due to previous comment. at last count, there are
perhaps 16 on the list. I think last time we had 17 or 18. But I'm pretty sure I'm
forgetting a bunch of people who I told about this. Plewe volenteered the elders
quorm to help someone move into or out of my building. no one is really sure of
what the deal is, cause raquel just moved out, and some chick just moved in, I
thought. could this be a desperate attempt to get ou of a bad situation? oh boy.
Either way if I have to show up, I'm gonna be ultra funny :)
Last night we all went out for food before 'The Office', the Indian buffet was only
during lunches, so jeff stormed out angry. choice two after 10 min. of deciding was
a philly cheese steak bar-grille. I strongly suggested not eating bar food. There
is a difference between mediocre and hang-over food, and I would rather spend a
little bit more on mediocre food than hang-over food. so we went to some mexican
place. the Office was hilarious. that episode made me want to go and buy all
seasons of that show.
other than that, I'm planning on going to an ultra-gay store in west hollywood, and
start looking for wedding presents for Evan, (and maybe Kim Harrison- but I'll only
get something for her If I think it will make her really embarrassed, cause lets
face it, I'm never going to see her again and it will be super duper funny. Kami as
well said that she dosen't really get embarrased easlily - so I took that as a dare[
:) ].)
And I cant forget to call home again, my dad got pissed for last week. oops, I did
call. its just that i called at 10 or 11:30 their time. oh whatever. so when I
email my dad throughout the week and ask him stuff his stupid response is "lets talk
about it this weekend" No, I want an answer NOW!
I might clean my room, but then again, I also might end up fighting the battle of my
life, conquring the universe.

all my books came this last week, that I ordered few weeks back. now about that
bookshelf... plenty of reading material that I won't get to for a while. Kind of
feels like school.

Evan does nothing but plan wedding crap. I don't know if thats the wiseist thing
for him. but whatever. its his deal.

I forgot/didn't have time, but I was going to print a bunch of childhood pictures of
plewe and spread them around, cause they're so funny looking. and I was gonna have
a t-shirt made that says 'half-rack' and give it to scott. its an inside joke
between us and chris n pitts :)

I'm still trying to get over my sickness.

any good movies coming out this weekend?

then there's that one thing... but we'll see. If oppertunity permits.

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