Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Daily Update

I wasn't really interested in playing Dodgeball at the ward for FHE. It usually turns into a bunch of over anxious guys venting their testosterone. Kind of like how male gorillas will challenge the other males in their troop for authority. I guess they are trying to impress the females of the troop in such a physical display. Then after the females have been over impressed, offended, or are just plane bored of the situation, the males notice that the females have left the playing field and now are congregating in the corners of the arena. That is when the males Gorillas will then try to impress themselves. This is when brilliant ideas are illuminated, like throwing the dodge-balls at the group of girls, or doing other stupid trickster things just for the attention. These things are sometimes dangerous or harmful, and always annoying. Then lets not forget the 'Vanity' Gorillas who come wearing their costly accessories, and fine groomed coats of fur, and they'll just go over to the groups of female gorillas and interrupt their conversations, just to be known. Then the female's get annoyed cause they are 'pretty-boy' gorillas, and then the other gorilla's just wanting to hang out are interrupted and thus annoyed cause the 'pretty-gorilla's are just lame and retarded. Its a frustrating cycle. So I didn't go at all.

Instead I decided to go pick up some food type storage containers that I've seen at some local mall. I put out an ad for a 'shopping guide' over the internet, kind of like a 'Shopping Sherpa' if you will. And it turns out that Cheryl was the first to respond. How perfect, I already know her and trust her shopping opinion. So we went to this Century City Mall. Luckily she was there cause she was very familiar with every store and every turn in the road. At one point I was thinking out loud, 'where am I' and then I hear my Guide say next turn take a right, immediately left, closest parking stall, up yellow escalators, u-turn, left turn, end of the sidewalk.' All in about 2 seconds. Oh, OK, thanks. And it turns out it was spot on. We got lost int the food court for a while. Its like a maze in there with lots of people to stare at. I'm starting to collect Storage containers for all the kitchen items that I have/can/may/will use(d). Its all part of my potential new master plan: getting organized. Its a novel idea I tell you. I think of mapping this plan out every time I walk in my bedroom. It may, or may not, be a mess right now due to to many hours of me spent away from it.

I forgot to tell you about my running excursion last Friday! How could I be so stupid?! It will have lost most of its impact by now, but I had a great run. I was doing so good, until the end of mile 1. then my enthusiasm was quickly deflated. There were a bunch of little crazy children running around the track up at the Australian Outback Track. I think they were all training to become ninja. They were doing weird things with their legs, and running in circles and twirling around like a bunch of fairies (just without the wings). I'm going to have to train extra hard in order to combat all the new and upcoming little earthly vermin. I may even start fighting them next week. After all, it would never hurt to start today to battle the evil of tomorrow.

Lunch was sponsored by The Corner Bakery again today. I walked by three dudes from Ricks office, and they didn't recognize me. One of them had dinner with us on Saturday and he sat right across the table from me. What a dork. He probably didn't like that I made fun of him most of the night. What a jerk :)

I'm listening to Guns N Roses right now, with a tiny bit of boring audio book mixed in, well, this morning there was anyway.

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