Monday, January 14, 2008

Daily Update

What a busy weekend. I stayed up late on Friday night. A bunch of kids went over to Allana's Birthday Bash. They made homemade pizza, cake, brownies, and cookies. It was terrific. Needless to say, I think I ate to much. And I got home late, and stayed up till the wee hours of the morning. When I got up I treated myself to French Toast. I made the special effort to do this cause just the night before I made a special trip to the store just to get the fixin's for this glorious breakfast event.

During the day on Saturday I was working on my Castle most of the day, and had the TV on. I listened to a lot of great movies, including: Predator 1 and 2, The Grimm Brothers, and I also watched two seasons of The Family Guy.

We had or Saturday Stake Conference in the late afternoon as well. I went thinking that it would be boring, and it didn't let me down. The whole stake presidency spoke along with a few other random people. They're all great guys, but they didn't hit the nail on the head for me this time. Counselor 2 was whispering as quiet as he normally is, maybe a bit louder cause he had a cold, but its hard to hear him even with a microphone 2 inches from his mouth. Counselor 1 spoke about pop culture, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, and LA being Babylon (again). He can't NOT talk about crap like that. He usually starts with talking about famous people he knows but its annoying now. And whats with calling LA Babylon?! If you don't like it Move already! Go graze in Utah with the rest of the old lame retirees. I'll be working on a full on attack argument against that statement to be aired at a later date, but I get annoyed when he/people say that about where I live. And Pres. spoke about crazy old people on airplanes. So it wasn't my cup-o-tea. Its not that I don't like hearing about old people, its just that I don't like hearing about airplane stories; when I am on an airplane, I sleep, therefore when I hear about being on an airplane, I'll want to sleep. Unless its 'Airplane' the movie. I wouldn't sleep through that, cause its funny. Luckily I brought drawing equipment, and an 'anti-boredom' book bag. We sat right behind Danny K. To my entertainment, he actually brought the larger-than-life sized origami set with him that Jeff and I gave him for Christmas. As we sat down in the row right behind him, he waves at us to get our attention, and then pulls it out from under the bench in front of him. I then can not stop laughing at the situation for the next 10 minutes. The couple behind us were complaining, and jabbering about us having fun. I was really close to telling them to be quiet and let us play in peace. I brought some extra candy from my castle as well to distribute.

Afterwards a large group of us went over to El Cholo for a surprise Birthday dinner for Ricky-Bobby. What made it great was that Rick was oblivious to all 25 of us being there until he was like 10 feet away when we all lowered our menu's and yelled 'surprise'. He was a great Surprise-ie cause he had no idea, and even looked dumb-founded for the next 10 minutes. Its pretty good food there. It was hectic at first cause Silvia only made the reservation for 15 (and 25 showed up.) It was fun. Two other large groups had surprise party's as well. We made it interesting as the other group yelled their 'Surprise' we also joined in with cheering, which just confused everyone in the room. It was grand.

I tried my best to finish my Castle by Midnight on Saturday, but it took a little longer than I anticipated. Now, Jim's Gingerbread Castle of Delight is indeed finished, but the grounds around it are not. I had a slight situation with the trees falling and exploding. And I've been playing with it for so long, I think that i feel that I must do more on it, even though its virtually complete. Because there are a few more things I'll send the grounds keepers out tonight to finish up, and I'll make my official announcement tomorrow.

I treated myself to a glorious Pancake breakfast on Sunday morning. Our Stake Conference was also in the morning so we had the rest of the day to ourselves. What a new experience. I played with my castle, as well as watched more Family Guy, football, and Ace of Cakes. In the evening Plewe had a Birthday Party which was pretty well attended. He was worried that people wouldn't come so he bribed people with cakes made by Jeff. To help out I brought the 5 gallons of Ice Cream that I still had from the Christmas party. It got crowded so I left early, then stayed up late. I had to make a run downtown late last night too. I really need to find a closer bank. My next free time project will be to clean my room too.

I'm listening to Talk Radio right now, as well to the books on tape from Danny's computer.

Lunch was sponsored by In N Out. It was rather tasty today.

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