Friday, September 28, 2007

Daily Update

I went running yesterday. I ran forcefully, just like the howling wind, but not as fast as it. No, speed was not a factor. I was similar to the wild Hyena of Northern Australia who was still tired from running fast last week. My paws were still tired, and my claws have been getting dull. I'll need to sharpen them this weekend in order to grip the track more effectively. There were many other wild animals up there in the Outback, but none like me. I may not have been fast, or 'show off-ish' as some of them, but I could have taken them out with one swipe of my 'angry claws of fury' if I needed to. But I didn't need to. The weather is turning cold. I could see my breath in the air.

I met up with Josh and Jeff at Natalee Thai's Restaurant for dinner. I brought my roommate Mike, and Josh brought a friend of his who was in town. The second I sat down they started telling 'Old Jim' Stories. I couldn't do anything about it. Like a bear trap, I went for the food in the steel jaws of the trap, and I was stuck. Every embarrassing story you can think of, so did they. So they reminded me of all the stuff 'I need to work on'. How nice of them.

We all went over to watch the office at Autumn's place after Supper. She has a sweet projector set up on her wall (the only down side is all the pets combined with my allergies). It was really fun. We also had cookies.

Lunch was sponsored by BJ's

I'm listening to some sort of Techno music right now.

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