Friday, May 18, 2007

Daily Update - May 17

I woke up this morning on time, but I still had a few items to discuss with my pillow. That business took me right up until 8:30am when I had to leave for work. work is so busy. But they love me cause I am so familliar with the 'works-to-hard attitude.' I get there early, and stay late. I put in 95 hours for the last two weeks. Wow, this is a hard life. I barely remember what it was like to stand ouside in the sunshine. Can you imagine what it would be like to be a child forced to labor in a consentration type camp behind a sewing machine, working for nike, or Martha Stewart, or something. That is what my day is like. No fun, no entertainment, no excitment. And I think that they think i'm an intern, cause they are still paying me in salad coupons. I really wish I had a fun job, where I could do all those things, show up late, and leave early. I could do those things if I was a dental Hygenist. Now that would be the life. It would be better than being in Hollywood. Better than being star-struck. :)

I arrived at work with a nice suprise in my in-box. USC decided to sell me football season tickets again, and wonderfully gave me the same seats as last time. Oh ya! I can't wait.

Last night I went to the store to buy a gallon size jar of vitamin C and handsoap. After that I decided to wash my sorrows down with some Panda Express. Mmmm Mmmm Good. The old chinese lady has started recognizing me when I go there. She loves me.

Then I wound up over at Greenfield. It was a 'Lost' watching evening. I brought Jeff and Josh over too, then Trixha came over too. Emily made some fabulous cookies and brownies to complement the evening. We were joining some of the founding members of the 'Lost-Girls': Emily and Marcella. So Lost has never been the most favorite show of most of us 'joiners', and that became pretty apparent when we all started having side conversations that escalated to be more important than the show. Emily became very upset as she was 'forced' to pause the show multiple times. eventually as Maggie entered the picture, she led most of the un-interested parties to the other part of the house. And, as the show ended we all ended up wandering into Maggies room and gossiping about everything. At first we (josh and I) were thinking of rearanging their room, as a 'hello' to Joyce, the new girl. but then we just started going thru her things and then even that got boring, so we were all sprawled out around the room, like around a campfire. It was fun. we talked late into the night, and then the neighbors got mad, cause we were loud.

I was completly wrong about the American Idol vote off. But I still think its rigged. I just checked with my inside source and they say that there was a last second shuffle, to make it more PC, but Blake will be Axed next week, cause the other chick, Jordan Sparks has been set to be winner for a while now. but we'll see.

Last night I also got my Chinese Proverb book from Amazon. I was so excited, cause I only ordered it on sunday night. thats pretty good service. It will be a week or two before I can start spouting these proverbs like an ancient monk from the Himilayas, but it will be good. That, and this will help me in my Man-Box Progress. Its been a few to many weeks since we've collectivly worked on them.

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