Thursday, April 5, 2007

Daily Update

I really feel beat up from running last Tuesday. The deceitful clan of ninja must have been on my trail. They have been trying to defeat me for some time now. Although I haven't found any poisonous dart remnants, I must assume it was a topical poison. Kind of like Ben-gay or Hand-lotion, except they have put it in the air, or secretly sprayed me with this venom. So I have sent a skin sample in to the lab where I have my regular work done.

I've been good about waking up on time, but I've been bad with getting out of bed before 9. (Oh ya, I think I'm supposed to be there at 9). Today I got there at 9:20 and I was the first one there (besides the bosses). so I guess I'm still ok :)

Last night after work I got home and ran into Jim M. (the roommate, not alternate personality, ... like 'Jegie') He and Eric had already helped Jim's friend move, so they didn't need my services anymore. Me and Jimmy chatted it up for a little bit discussing my upcomming trip to the Fatherland. He had a lot to say because he has been there many times for extended amounts of time.

I then started working on paintings, mostly research (surfing internet looking for ideas((but not the sites that my brother visits))), as well as cleaning up my room. both at the same time. Not as effective, but hey, I'm a guy.

Then noticing the late hour, I hurried off to the Greenfield flat. EmWin and Nahum made Chocolate Souffle'. Wow was it good. I mean Real good. Then when her show came on(lost) there were more guys in the room who passivly objected to that show so we watched something on the bible, and then the history of Candy. Both were terriffic. Then, before we knew it, the clock read 1:30. oops. Lucky for me my Cinderella hour is around 2, not 12. I went home and had to finish up some painting prep stuff. Its a lot of work I tell you. Oh ya, speaking of the Greenfield girls,
Maggie had been asking about that Chair of hers that Raquelle gave to Eric and I. So I bitterly brought it over. Then when I realized it didn't fit in my car door, I got a little upset. The 'Old Jim' may have taken over for a few minutes. The new jim just closed his eyes and hoped the paint didn't get to scratched up. But after a few kicks, punches, shoves, and mean words the chair decided to cooperate. The girls were happy to see a new piece of furniture, and the chair and I are not currently on speaking terms because of its stubbornness, and unwillingness to
cooperate. During the visit there I also worked on Man-Box stuff. I had scanned some sketches of mine that I will be arranging in Photoshop and finalizing within the week.

On the way back from lunch today, I was just minding my own business, when I saw some rambunctious little girl tornadoing down the sidewalk. As she and her parental unit got close, the leash tightened enough to let me and all the pedestrians pass her by. As the 'hellian' passed I noticed her t-shirt said "i'm cute" on it with a picture of a bunny. At this moment of comprehension and confusion, I didn't know what else to do other than smile at this child, and say the words " no you're not" as I walked by. I didn't think about this until after it came out. It was a complete melding of the 'new' and 'old' jim's. It must be just like when Spiderman has to fight off the Venom creature in the Third spiderman movie, which is due to release in a month.

Lunch was brought to us by Jamba Juice, the letter A, and the number 3.

I'm listening to The Smith's right now.

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