Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Daily UPdate

Today at work I was showing my Gingerbread Castle pictures to Collins and Susan. Collins was super duper impressed. Susan thought I was just that much more immature than before. I responded by telling her that 'She was immature and childish'. She then asked me my age. I informed her that it was none of her business, and not relevant to the conversation. She then rolled her eyes and then went back to her own business.

The roof is leaking in my office again. Yes, that means its raining again, and has been for at least 15 minutes.

I'm feeling better today. It was made obvious to me when I found myself sleeping in and being late for work, just like usual.

Last night something Bad/Good happened. I had ordered a new video game via this thing called the internet, and it arrived last night. I rushed to my computer as I strapped my Nerdy hat on. (is it possible to say 'I rash to...' instead of 'I rushed to...'?) I installed, and then started the intro for The Battle Of My Life, that is about to come in the following weeks. Don't worry, you'll hear all about it.

I was torn away from that by American Idol and then Biggest Looser. Those shows' are great. They both make me feel good about myself for all the wrong reasons. At the same time Cheryl was making cookies. It was great.

Lunch was sponsored by Marvin's again. I'm so jealous of Jill who can have Crown Burgers anytime she wants.

I'm listening to the cars rush through the rain, and water dropplets pound against the bottom of one of many trash cans that we have laying around our office. Yes, the roof leaks in an Architects office. Its not our fault though, its the landlords. Every time it rains, we complain, and then they send a bunch of weaselly hicks to slap some tar around up on the roof, but miss all the holes every time.

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