Thursday, December 20, 2007

Daily Update

I went running last night. It was like a snake shedding its old skin, and becoming new again. A rebirth if you will of the old 'new jim'. I was up in the Australian Outback. We went there because of the long flat planes that go on forever and ever. I was weary of my walking limb injury last week, so I promised myself that I would run this week for sure. And oh how right I was. I was like a like the most wild and viciously ferocious prairie dog alive. I would jump from one place to the next with no care in the world of what the others would think. I was a good running Field Prairie Dog cause my left ankle was bound up with tape, and extra socs, and I tied my shoe extra tight to prevent movement. As people would pass me, and I let them this time, I would scamper about and nibble on sticks, and scurry about to avoid any enemy. I didn't see the usual enemy's so that was good. They probably are on vacation with the Holidays coming up. When I was trying to walk down the stairs to go running I couldn't move my foot at all. So I just hobbled along like a pirate till the tape relaxed. It must have been night time in Australia cause there were very few lights around like there usually are. I thought it was supposed to be summer time there.

Also, right after that adventure, I went to the grocery store to return a few un-needed food items. I quickly jumped into the shortest line and waited my turn. It was a rather long wait for one person to purchase 5 items, I first thought, but then I pushed that idea away, cause I was in Happy person mode, cause grocery stores aren't as accommodating to angry people. So when I got up there, I slowly realized why his line was shortest. He had something wrong in the head, I swear. As his fellow employees walked by and asked him if he needed more bags, he would drop everything to check how many bags he needed. If someone asked if that was a 'take-back' in the corner of his area, he would organized Everything in the area, inspect it, then respond. Shortly thereafter all the other customers went thru their lines yet I remained still. But then some of the other 'sane' employees came over and told him to just do it the easy way. '12 $1 items, credit him $12.' end of story. "Oh no, thats not the way I know how to do it, here let me try" is what I heard about 12 times before I realized that I should find a chair cause it was about to be a long time. I kid you not, but the first item was back on the shelf before he was done crediting the second item. The there was some sort of problem on his machine, so he had to ask one employee to go get it back off the shelf so he could re-scan it, then void it, or something like that. Good grief Charley Brown!

work was busy today. they switched me to another project again, and not the one I wanted to work on.

Lunch was sponsored by Jamba Juice, and co-sponsored by Stan's donuts, with additional assistance from the Vat of popcorn that was still left in our kitchen at work.

I listened to Euro-techno today in order to help me work faster. I don't think it worked.

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