Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Daily Update

Another 'Ah' of delight came to me last night, right after things got settled with the Gift delivering ceremony. I had to work a little late, but I had to bring the addresses to the Church building so that the people could properly deliver them. My first error was to Forget to bring the printed email with me. It seemed to complicated to return to my office where someone Might be there. So I continued on my way home to print out stuff there. Luckily Mikey had his computer And Printer on, and he let me use them for a few seconds, to repeat the Address printing process. So then we rush away to the church building, already being 5 minutes late. (Or should I say 'Only' 5 minutes late.) We took care of business, and quickly the gym was full of people hurrying to wrap presents. In this bustle, I tried to identify who needed what address. proving unsuccessful, I again noticed that my list was left at home, so I quickly decided to run home, yet again, and fetch it. Oh Bother. When they were all done, and when people were dispersing, I had the chance to give Danny his Christmas present from Jeff and I. I wanted to do it in a more public manner like AT church, but I forgot last Sunday cause of my talk. So we gave it to him then. It was a super large origami set with book, and plenty of papers. Its perfect for the boring sacrament meetings. You see, Danny has found pleasure in tearing the programs into 164 uniform pieces. He's done that for months and months now. So now, he can create things other than small confetti sized pieces of program! And yes, now I plan to join him during sacrament meeting.

Also last night I took a few minutes to fight the battle of my life. I'm still trying to conquer Middle Earth again. Its a different fight, but this time I'm fighting on the side of good. with every sitting battle, I push the enemy further back into Mordor. They are no match for me superior strategic fighting skill that I've displayed in the last few weeks. I'll delay finding a new game until Christmas time.

Then even a little later, Jeff and I were kind of on our way to a birthday party for Maggie. It was already kind of late, but we went to In N Out instead of where they were going. We would have been really late anyway (10pm), cause Jeff thought it was a completely different place than where everyone else was. He kept pointing out that he was Sure that it was a different place than where Emily said it was. Turns out Maggie and Emily were correct, They actually knew where they were going for Maggie's party. We didn't want to wait the 30 minutes before 'Happy Hour' started. I was being selfish and didn't want to stay out super late. At In N Out it took those little retards way to long to make our food. Its a curse of mine as of late I guess.

Some vendor of ours sent us three huge buckets of popcorn yesterday. The UPS guy brought them just as we were all leaving so I had to wait till today to dive into the first bucket. It was wonderful to eat. All the kernels were the full fluffy kind, generously doused in either caramel or MSG-Cheese powder, then the regular salty butter crap. Thats the one that is always last to go.

I'm listening to 'A horse and his Boy' from the Chronicles of Narnia. Its pretty boring. I wonder if they'll make a movie out of this book. They'll have to change it quite a bit to make it interesting.

Lunch was sponsored by Jamba juice.

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