Friday, November 30, 2007

Daily Update

It was cold, dark, and clear. It was getting late as well. I had a list of stuff to do for the christmas party. The stores were a mad house as I attempted to fight my way thru the crowds. I had to steal the shopping cart from an old lady, and elbow a couple of old folks to get to the christmas light department at target. I was purchasing for the C-mas party you see. On the way out I passed by the old lady who's cart I stole. she had reinforcements from her grand-kids i guess so as soon as she got close to me, she yelled and pointed at me. as the kids started charging, I had to use my shopping cart as a battering-ram to break through their defenses. On contact the kids went flying, but not as far as they would have if my cart had been full. they were like a hoard of gypsies. In fact I'm sure thats what they were, rambling in gibberish. The old bag was barking out Gypsy commands in her weird Armenian tongue. I pushed my cart thru the broken defenses at a quick pace. Two of the brats that flanked me grabbed at my legs so I felt obligated to kick them away from me. Every 5 seconds I would check for my wallet; after all they were gypsies. I also had to do whatever I could to avoid their gypsy spells. I grabbed a plastic santa figure and threw it at one of what seemed like 12 kids, plastering him to the floor like a linebacker running into a quarterback. I still felt the spells coming like little snowballs being thrown, so I grabbed another Christmas figure, this time a spiked Christmas tree and started swinging it like a baseball bat. It was effective in frightening a few other of the little gremlins away. Their numbers were half as strong but they were still strategizing against me. I tested them by starting to walk away. It worked for a second before they started sprinting toward me in a little Umpa-Lumpa sort of way. I finally took two more out by tipping the greeting card shelf over on them as we rounded that corner. There was one more who lept for me with a fierce veracity. Luckily I caught him and threw him to the floor, then tipping an adjacent shopping cart over on him then putting something heavy on top of it so he couldn't escape. With that I saw the ol Gypsy bag at the end of the asile with one little brat at her side shaking her head at me. I politely gave her the finger and pointed to my lips, then my butt, then back to her, as I continued my run for the safety of the registers. Once there, I expected some sort of response to this matter from the employee, but nothing. They were oblivious to the people they had lurking in their store. I went home from there.

Next I stopped by Cheryl's place for a second. I wanted to try to tell her and her roommate what just happened but I figured they wouldn't believe me so I kept my mouth shut. We were going to watch the Office, but I showed up much to late for that re-run, so I teased her roommate instead. I then went home. It was early so I stayed up and hung out with the roommates for a bit. Then to bed. It was a good night's sleep.

But that doesn't mean that I got up early. I showed up right on time as I always do.

Lunch was sponsored by the Corner Bakery. their noodles are so good.

I'm still listening to Eragon. He's trying to work his 'magic' with the elf maiden.

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