Thursday, November 15, 2007

Daily Update

I went running last night... well, kind of. At first the terrain reminded me of a spot of the Brazilian Amazon that I once saw, but it wasn't that. It was located just above the Australian Outback track that I've visited so many times before. That place was closed though for some national run-around-like-retard day. the Path we took was different. It was the road to Hades. I thought that I could take it. I thought that I knew better than the dark roads of the underworld. I thought that my night vision abilities, my cat like reflexes, and Spiderman like intuition would keep me safe. It currently stands: Track 1, Jim 0. As I was negotiating the tricky path, my eyes drifted toward the oncoming traffic, the street, the dim/non-existing lights in the area. Everywhere they shouldn't have gone. Then all of a sudden my foot hit ground, slipped sideways into a 6 inch water channel, and tugged awkwardly on the ligaments in a manner that would make me feel an immediate and extreme stretching sensation and then even a 'pop'. We were running down hill at the time so I had lots of momentum which proved even more painful. I was forced to used my now worthless and incapacitated stump of a foot to support myself for a few more strides, thus preventing my body from flailing into approaching traffic on Sunset Blvd. At first when I felt the Popping sensation I thought to myself, "Woah, that can't be good, 'ouch' that might even Hurt". But then with the next 5-something strides that i was forced to take, Each foot pounding burst escalated the pain to the point of me shrieking out in agony as all 200 pounds me pushed down onto my once healthy ankle. After I slowed to a safe speed I just dove into the dirt on the side of the path desperately wanting immediate relief from this problem. I cried out in disbelief that my one sure foundation of a foot-joint befell this unspeakable damage. I feared the fate of my other ankle, the right one. Too many times I have seen it surcome to the torturous injuries of the world. To many times I thought it wasn't as bad as it actually was. My life didn't exactly flash before my eyes, but my future did. I took a moment of silence to get a realistic grip on reality though. I also used that moment to catch my breath and clear my mind of evil thoughts. Luckily for me Kristen was there with me. She had been there before, and was keen to the whiles of the Hades Trail. Although she was watching out for me, warning me of the dangers constantly, it just wasn't enough. So after I regained my composure. I tested the extent of the injury by slowly putting pressure on it. I eventually made it up to my feet and slowly tested out my walkability. At first my whole foot was numb with pain. I was able to walk a short distance before the paint made its way through all my neurons to my brain. The pain became pretty excruciating to tell you the truth. I didn't want to give in to the injury so I kept walking. We were at the furthest distance from the car possible, and I felt helpless. I cautiously used KA as a crutch until I built up the nerve to support myself. We made it around the corner a small stretch before She noticed the pain was to much for me to walk. So she, realizing that I was becoming unable to walk on my own, ditched me under some tree and ran ahead to get her car and come back and rescue me. Something like a 10-15 minute wait until she rolled up to rescue me from this Hadi-Bruin Hell that I was resting in. The Trail to Hades got to me. The evil path before me was stronger than I thought it was, that is why it won. It won the Battle, but not the War. I will be back. And I will conquer!

So after a little bit I went to the store and purchased injury treatment supplies for the upcoming trials ahead. I was going to be going to a movie, but that had to be canceled. I was able to hobble around on it slowly, so it was only a sprain, not anything worse.

At work I have been working with this dude Ray. I told you about Ray yesterday, but I want to reiterate how much I dislike the way he says 'Thank You', cause his lips move as if he's saying 'I love you', and needless to say I'm sure his thoughts are saying 'I want to do you'. Yes, it's gross, but its true so thats why I said it. But it will be a while before I work with him again I think. We had this presentation at 1pm yesterday, and he was telling me to change stuff up until 12:30. Just so you know, Printing is more than just hitting a button in Architecture. I didn't finish printing stuff until 2, but luckily the clients didn't show until 2 either.

Lunch was sponsored by In N Out.

I'm listening to my co-workers talk about how much of 'Ladies Men' they are. Its pretty outrageous, and somewhat unbelievable. I think they're just looking for attention, but they won't get it form me that way. They'll have to quote Anchorman or something for that to happen.

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