Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Daily Update

Yesterday threw me back into the 'non-vacation swing of things', thats for sure. I woke up pretty early, some sort of jet-lag residue probably. I was going to go to work early, you know... to impress the bosses, but that didn't work out. So I just showed up at the normal time of 'just after 9'. Work was just as I remembered it. Apparently just after I left it got real busy here (oh well).

As I was leaving work Josh called and he jeff and I met up at CA Chicken Cafe to catch up. Of course we talked a little about our trip. I let jeff do most of the talking cause I wasn't feeling up to it, but there were a few points where I had to pipe up and correct him on a few points, turning it from a Jeff-spin to a Fair and Balanced, i.e. the Jim-spin, on each story.

I also resumed with Flag-Football practice. I'll admit it was a bit much for my first day back. I was hoping the running would help clear out my sinuses and ear clog, but no such luck.

After that josh said he had to "go over to Jessica's for a few minutes, but couldn't stay to late." As soon as I got in his car I noticed he was on the phone with Jeff, again promising we would not be to long over there. At this point I wasn't sure if he was lying to us, or to himself. We got there with 40 minutes to spend before my 'goodnight-deadline'. The second I sat down I realized that it wasn't a good idea for me to have gone there. My eyelids got real heavy, and I honestly didn't want to resist its weight, so I walked right down that dark tunnel into the light. I fell into a slump on their soft seats then later woke up lying on the floor. I also vaguely remember them trying to have conversations with me. I don't know why they would have done that. They could clearly see that I was trying to sleep. I woke up for a second to notice it was much passed my designated 'Go to bed time, so I slowly staggered up to my feet, and informed everyone that I was leaving. then eventually the other two followed, which was good, otherwise I would have been walking home. So yes, the J-crew is back in full swing. We need to take advantage of these moments while josh is living at home for the next month.

In an attempt to unplug my ear I took a hot shower, but ended up falling asleep. then to bed. (it was nice to NOT have ryan try to walk in on me for a change as well. [don't worry, that will be explained a bit later]). It felt so good to sleep. I like sleep. Also earlier that day I treated myself to hot chocolate to accompany my morning donuts. Like usual the hot cocoa burnt my tongue, so now everything tastes like burning.

I'm listening to One Man Army right now.

Lunch was sponsored by In N Out. man its nice to eat hamburgers again.

1 comment:

Evan said...

I can testify that Ryan has a habit of walking in on dudes in the bathroom. I can recall at LEAST 3 occasions he did it to me. Maybe he figured what happens in Europe stays in Europe...