Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Daily Update

I normally try to attend the Ward's Family Home Evening's. I figure its good to support the wards stuff. But last night was a little bit difficult. the advertised event was Speed Dating. now, I've done something like this before, but it was weird then too. I've always been against the term 'meat market', but in situations like this, its unavoidable. So I went. Upon standing in the entry way as I arrived, I realized how awkward it was going to be. I start talking to someone who then immediately asks for help in avoiding some guy. I then ask if that person was me, in a semi-joking manner. I can't help thinking that at least twelve people there who I don't know are thinking that same thing. Depressing for guys it is. Stalking must have been the subject of the night, cause a bunch of other people mentioned stalkers as well. So anyway, there were a lot more guys there than girls. a recent and growing trend with ward activities. Eventually a LOT of people showed up. It was really loud and 1-3 minutes isn't really enough to even start to get to know someone.

After that wholesome event a few of us went to Marvin's for a dinner snack. I was pretty excited about it to tell you the truth. I hadn't eaten anything in a few hours so It was that time. When we got there I was stalling till the others got there, and that is when they informed me that they were closing! What, don't they know who I am? I told the guy I thought he was lying and then proceeded to order. That's when they said they'd be open for another 15 minutes. Then the others showed up. The two cooks looked strangely at each other. then I in an American voice (slow and loud) told them that they were with me. So then they seemed to grant them admittance to the small eating establishment. The food there is as good as ever. Jeff nursed his burrito down with the greatest of care (meaning he took forever). Then cause the shop was closing we went back to my place, for a few minutes. But as we were doing that Jessica called and needed jumper cables. It turns out that Jenny's car got sick while she was away and needed help. After the jump start failed, she called us back over to her place to help push it out of the garage. We ended up ramming it into some dumpster and letting it rest there. How troublesome. Cars should be made NOT to break.

Courtney was lying on the ground after watching the guys push the car around when a neighbor lady came by with her dogs. They were friendly, and Courtney liked the attention. Dogs like to lick things. The dogs tongue ended up licking her out of control. Dogs are like that. Courtney ended up licking the dogs tongue. I don't think she liked it so much.

I was just over at Diddy Reese looking over their cookie selection when one of the two owners told the einstein looking dude in front of me to take a hike. Although he didn't look to much like a bum, he sure sounded like one. He also acted like one cause he didn't leave. I think he wanted to sleep on one of the tables inside the store. But that isn't sanitary or liked by customers. I was hoping that someone started pushing the other so I could jump in and start tossing people around. But nothing happened. just a lot of mumbling and threatening.

Lunch was sponsored by Jamba Juice and way to much second hand smoke. It was hosted by both CB and JR.

I'm listening to 'Dance' by Justice right now.

Flag Football practice starts tonight.

Europe in 5 days. I hope they're ready for us.

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