Monday, July 30, 2007

Daily Update

Friday night I was thinking of going to a 'poetry reading' event over at someones house that I was considering going to, but while running errands I spoke with KA, and she and Jill-a-rina they were interested in food, and food sounded a lot better than poetry so it only made sense to find food. I've read poetry before; you've read one poem, you've read them all, right.

Then Saturday Morning came. I was originally going to deliver the accordion to my friend who let me borrow it. I phoned him when I woke up and he said that it was alright to bring it to his work on Monday. Then we just chatted a bit about life, after all it had been a while since we hung out last. Just as we were wrapping up the conversation he added hesitantly, that there was something else to tell me, and that it wasn't the greatest of news. He and his wife were 'breaking up'. That was sad to hear. They were both good kids. I expressed my condolences, but my friend added that there was another part to that statement. I got kind of nervous in the stomach for a second, fearing some horrible news. He added that the weird part was WHY they were 'breaking up'. (mind you they had been married at least 5-6 years, and I've known him for 3 of those). He told me that the reason for it was because he was gay! Now if that wasn't a surprise to me, I don't know what could have been. I was in shock, and i was then stumped for words. It took probably the rest of the day for me to recover from that shock. Besides his family, I was the second person he had told.

In order to recover, in a manly like fashion, I sat down to fight the battle of my life for a few minutes. Killing bad guys with a lightsaber and defending the universe always cheers people up.

I later stopped by Costco to see if they could get me new tires for my car, but it was a Saturday and There was no way I was going to wait the 3 hours. They obviously didn't know who I was, other wise they wouldn't have made me wait at all. I also stopped by the eye-glasses center there to have them up-grade my vision. I can already see at night, and during the day, but now I want to see super far, and near. You know, the whole range. Luckily for me the 12 o'clock hadn't shown up yet, so they fit me in. They must have known who I was. I'm kind of a big deal you know. That and the cute receptionist had the hots for me, (as well as the doctor [a
dude]). After he waved his hands and did a bunch of hocus-pocus he told me that my sight was already in tip-top shape, and didn't need much improving, so he scribbled on some paper, and then handed me the bill.

I was feeling a bit adventurous on Sunday morning. I went for a morning jog. It
was rough on the joints. but I did absolutely outstanding. 16:56 to be exact. One
second better than last time. There were lots of people out and about. And with
the Street fair, I had to go the long way too. It was super hot.

During the day I stopped by Cheryl's house and she gave me all the harry potter
books on CD. I can't wait to find out what happens to Harry.

Sunday night we invited ourselves over to Greenfield to make dinner, and play the
Wii. We played bowling. I hadn't played before. Neither had Jeff or Kristen, but
Kristen was an instant natural at it. She probably plays more video games than I
do, a closet gamer if you will, but just doesn't admit it. Anyway, she coached both
me and Emily, and after she did so we both did much better.

Lunch was sponsored by Socko's

I'm listening to Talk radio, and Audio books right now.

I better go, lots to do :)

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