Friday, June 15, 2007

Daily Update

The trees were filled with chirping birds. The sun was shining brightly into my eyes. The warm breeze rustling the leaves of the large shady Eucalyptus trees also rustled my senses, un-nerving to the emotions; on the south side of Brentwood relaxing to endure the cool breeze formed from evapotransporation. The fatigue I still felt from work was a drain to my system. It wasn't' going to help in the next 40 minutes. I came with a heard of Gazelles. Intimidation was all around me, like a thick fog. And then it was go time. I cranked up the audible adrenaline and let the endorphins flow. The music was most appropriate. It was wonderful. At
different points around the track the songs themselves would tell me that I was at the right position along the track. For example at the point when I ran by an old Russian vampire the song 'People are Strange' by the Doors came on. As some hot blond ran by the song 'You make me want to LaLa' started playing. And for the third leg of the first lap (the most important leg time wise) as I turned the corner 'Raw Power' by Guns n Roses came on. There was one other song that did that, but I forgot what it was by now. Thus my music device would communicate with me. I will communicate with it tonight by putting on more cool songs, and taking off any
'slower' songs or regge. [I would like to repeat my utterance from last night, but I Do NOT have any: barbera Streisand, Cher, Village people, George Michael, Queen, Elton John, or Liberace on my music device! Such an act would be consiered treason to my ears, and soul! (Whoever said that will have to be punished.)] The music helped again. I made it around in 17:02, two seconds better than yesterday; and a two lap time of 38:32, which is a little better than average. Decent but not fabulous. I must have changed rolls half way thru, cause the first lap I was clearly a Gazelle, leaping from hilltop to hilltop. The second lap lead a different story, as the lion took over; although slowing down a few steps per minute, I still came out on top, ready to conquer the world. I think I also saw Ms. Brentwood again. I tried pointing her out to the others, but no such luck. But that might have been bad for me to try to point a girl out to a bunch of other girls, because the rest of the discussions that evening were related to how immature guys are. I
was cornered, and couldn't escape.

I ended up painting for a little bit right before bed. And when I say right before bed, I actually mean late into the night. The apartment was quiet, and the roommates were either out or asleep. It was perfect painting weather. With three different Jungs in the apartment, there are indeed three different schedules. Jimmy is on plan 1 (early to bed early to rise). I am on plan 2 (late to bed, early to rise). And Eric is on plan 3 (very late to bed, very late to rise; or out of town).
I sometimes overlap with each of them. Instead of painting is silence, I let the 'Dance show' play in the background. 2 birds with 1 stone, right.

I had another weird dream last night. All I remember was me dancing, and surrounding people being offended.

Lunch was sponsored by Acapulco Grille, and hosted by two hot chicks who tried to
pry information out of me the whole time.

I'm listening to a German punk band named 'Die Aertze'. (which means 'the Doctors')

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